Still needs some work:
- input parameter validation (rotation, layout, colours)
- configuration of panel colors in Web UI
Added suggestion for less dynamic calling of module.generate_image()
If the number of events exceeded the number of lines allocated for events, a *list index out of range* exception was thrown. This has been fixed now by providing an additional check.
Fixed some bugs, improved alignment of project name, due date and description of todo.
Project names are shown in colour on 3-colour displays
Images are rendered correctly.
- Bump pyowm from 2.10.0 to 3.1.1 (latest)
- updated Weather module to support new pyowm version
- removed ad-hoc logic for beaufort scale (supported by pyowm now)
- Added support for location ID and location string (see #137)
A lot of work-in-progress and far from complete.
Lots of improvements related to user-friendliness, fully new web-UI. Better infrastructure....
more coming soon
Fixed issue with duplicate events
Switched from list comprehensions to generator expressions for better performance
Date sorting not working as expected
- Correct setup of logging
- all inkycal-modules inherit from the given template
- Added basic, optional validation
- more code cleanups
- fixed a few minor bugs
* Switched from ics library to icalendar library to support (hopefully) all iCalendars
* Implemented authorisation data for protected icalendar urls (credit to Joshka!)
* Created class instead of single function
Might be buggy, therefore in alpha stage!
inkycal_rss: fix format of saved images
* drop support for wind direction (api does not always provide this data)
* Add borders around each sub-section