Support for 2-image mode (due to new driver files).
Improved formatting of events below the calendar.
In case something goes wrong, the error will be shown in the correspondig section on the E-Paper.
Support for 2-image mode due to new drivers. Support for auto-expansion (agenda module will expand to top and bottom if space is available). Errors will be shown directly on the E-Paper if something goes wrong.
No more splitting image by colours.
Added option to turn image upside_down.
Better import handling. No more problems with empty sections. Middle section will expand to all empty areas.
Fixed a bug where the update interval would be calculated incorrectly. The display will now update as specified in the settings file.
Instead of importing a single driver file, this module will automatically import the driver file for the specified E-Paper (in the settings file). This means that even though more E-Papers are now supported, the code will not become too complex.
Calibration has been omitted for now to test if the E-Paper shows signs of ghosting.
As the tests for the recurring events have passed, the recurring events feature can now be used by default. Event if it fails, the try/except handling won't let the script crash in case something goes wrong while parsing recurring events.
Improved rendering of text and icons.
For black and white displays, the image is converted to greyscale with dithering enabled. This is because E-Papers are closer to paper than LCDs.
It's now possible to change the strings used in events (today, tomorrow, at) to a custom string (of your local language).
The events section within the calendar module now only shows events from today which have not passed yet. If some lines are empty in the weather section, they'll be filled with events from the next 40 days.
Also, some minor code improvements.
With the added Error handling, the stability of the recurring-events-parsing section has improved as well. This is handy when using non-supported iCalendars.
This is a more thorough approach on fetching and parsing recurring events. It has been tested on Google and Yahoo iCalendar, so it might not work on others. As further testing and feedpack is required to test it's reliability, the parsing of reucrring events is switched off by default. Setting 'use_recurring_events' to 'True' activates parsing of recurring events.