Due to the rapid development since the last release, a lot of things changed at a very fast speed. One of the issues was that the loop would break if the bottom_section was set to events. With this, it should no longer cause any problems.
Switched from timezone-unaware (naive) objects to timezone-aware objects to correctly display event times. The timezone is fetched from the system itself. As a result, a new dependency (pytz) is now being used to set the timezone.
Since NotoSans alone does not support the mentioned three languages (but about a quarter of the population uses them), there was a need for a font that does support them. NotoSansCJK is used for this purpose.
It is now possible to choose the language for the month and weekday names from a larger selection of languages. Unfortunately, support for chinese/taiwanese has been temporarily dropped.
One great thing about the NotoSans font is that it can be used for various languages without displaying 'Tofus'. Due to this reason, the previosu fonts have been replaced with this one
By switching from image-based translations to text-based translations, month names and weekday names can now be easily 'translated' with arrow (python lib). By using this method, a font was required that could display letters from a lot of languages. Since the current font was displaying 'Tofus', Google's Noto (No-Tofu->Noto) Sans font is now being used.
Unfortunately, support for chinese/taiwanese is temporary unavailable since even Noto can't display these correctly (at least for now).
Due to a lot of outdated recurring events being displayed, the support for recurring events has been dropped temporarily. It will become available when a better snippet has been written and tested.
Added options to select what to display at each section (top, middle, bottom). Removed option 'additional feature' as it has been replaced by the sections. Added alt-attribute to image and title within head element. Added some expandable info buttons above sections that could require a more detailed description.
Users can now choose what they want to display at each section. For now, the middle_section can be set to either Agenda or Calendar. The bottom_section may be kept empty.
Added dictionary containing the positions of the rows for the Agenda-View.
Added a second seperator (seperator2) which is used by the Agenda View.
Added support for relative path instead of explicit path (Credit to Max. G.)
E-Paper is now split into three sections: top, main and bottom. Users can now choose what to display at which section. With this change, the main script will only execute the code required to generate the user-specified design. Better text handling. Text is automatically aligned in the middle of the specified box (unless specified otherwise) using the default font (unless specified otherwise). Added Agenda-View as an option in the main section, which will show upcoming events and times in the next few days. It's length is adaptive. If the bottom section is empty, it will reach to the bottom, otherwise it will reach to the bottom section. RSS-feeds will not show the titles, but rather a short summary (for more detailed information). Removed some import warnings as they are handled by the new installer (v1.6). Also made the code a bit cleaner and added a few more descriptions above some code sections.
This template is generated by the web-ui using the standard values for each setting. Now, both the template (this file) and the generated settings.py fiel from the web-ui will yield the same results.