Switched from image-based weather-icons to font-based weather-icons. Added language support for weather description. Switched from short weather description to detailed weather description. Due to space limitations, either the sunrise/sunset time will be shown (whichever is coming up next), but not both. Improved image pre-processing for better readability of new fonts (NotoSans). Some minor code improvements.
Due to the rapid development since the last release, a lot of things changed at a very fast speed. One of the issues was that the loop would break if the bottom_section was set to events. With this, it should no longer cause any problems.
Switched from timezone-unaware (naive) objects to timezone-aware objects to correctly display event times. The timezone is fetched from the system itself. As a result, a new dependency (pytz) is now being used to set the timezone.
Since NotoSans alone does not support the mentioned three languages (but about a quarter of the population uses them), there was a need for a font that does support them. NotoSansCJK is used for this purpose.
It is now possible to choose the language for the month and weekday names from a larger selection of languages. Unfortunately, support for chinese/taiwanese has been temporarily dropped.
One great thing about the NotoSans font is that it can be used for various languages without displaying 'Tofus'. Due to this reason, the previosu fonts have been replaced with this one