Deleted groups would previously cause the module to fail as the api would still show todos from groups that have been deleted, but not the name of the group.
Iterating over the groups caused a KeyError Exception. This commit does an additional check to see if the group really does exist or has been deleted.
The Todoist module would not update on each loop, but rather at each reboot. This commit fixes the problem by syncronising with the API on each refresh.
switched from string formatting to f-strings
removed some non-required validation
Standardised some logging outputs
better formatting of config inside tests
Fixed some bugs, improved alignment of project name, due date and description of todo.
Project names are shown in colour on 3-colour displays
Images are rendered correctly.
A lot of work-in-progress and far from complete.
Lots of improvements related to user-friendliness, fully new web-UI. Better infrastructure....
more coming soon