
363 lines
12 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Inky-Calendar custom-functions for ease-of-use
Copyright by aceisace
import logging
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageColor
from urllib.request import urlopen
import os
import time
##from glob import glob
##import importlib
##import subprocess as subp
##import numpy
##import arrow
##from pytz import timezone
##"""Set some display parameters"""
##driver = importlib.import_module('drivers.'+model)
# Get the path to the Inky-Calendar folder
top_level = os.path.dirname(
# Get path of 'fonts' and 'images' folders within Inky-Calendar folder
fonts_location = top_level + '/fonts/'
images = top_level + '/images/'
# Get available fonts within fonts folder
fonts = {}
for path,dirs,files in os.walk(fonts_location):
for filename in files:
if filename.endswith('.otf'):
name = filename.split('.otf')[0]
fonts[name] = os.path.join(path, filename)
if filename.endswith('.ttf'):
name = filename.split('.ttf')[0]
fonts[name] = os.path.join(path, filename)
del name, filename, files
available_fonts = [key for key,values in fonts.items()]
def get_fonts():
"""Print all available fonts by name"""
for fonts in available_fonts:
def get_system_tz():
"""Get the timezone set by the system"""
local_tz = time.tzname[1]
print('System timezone could not be parsed!')
print('Please set timezone manually!. Setting timezone to None...')
local_tz = None
return local_tz
def auto_fontsize(font, max_height):
"""Adjust the fontsize to fit 80% of max_height
returns the font object with modified size"""
fontsize = font.getsize('hg')[1]
while font.getsize('hg')[1] <= (max_height * 0.80):
fontsize += 1
font = ImageFont.truetype(font.path, fontsize)
return font
def write(image, xy, box_size, text, font=None, **kwargs):
"""Write text on specified image
image = on which image should the text be added?
xy = xy-coordinates as tuple -> (x,y)
box_size = size of text-box -> (width,height)
text = string (what to write)
font = which font to use
allowed_kwargs = ['alignment', 'autofit', 'colour', 'rotation'
'fill_width', 'fill_height']
# Validate kwargs
for key, value in kwargs.items():
if key not in allowed_kwargs:
print('{0} does not exist'.format(key))
# Set kwargs if given, it not, use defaults
alignment = kwargs['alignment'] if 'alignment' in kwargs else 'center'
autofit = kwargs['autofit'] if 'autofit' in kwargs else False
fill_width = kwargs['fill_width'] if 'fill_width' in kwargs else 1.0
fill_height = kwargs['fill_height'] if 'fill_height' in kwargs else 0.8
colour = kwargs['colour'] if 'colour' in kwargs else 'black'
rotation = kwargs['rotation'] if 'rotation' in kwargs else None
x,y = xy
box_width, box_height = box_size
# Increase fontsize to fit specified height and width of text box
if (autofit == True) or (fill_width != 1.0) or (fill_height != 0.8):
size = 8
font = ImageFont.truetype(font.path, size)
text_width, text_height = font.getsize(text)[0], font.getsize('hg')[1]
while (text_width < int(box_width * fill_width) and
text_height < int(box_height * fill_height)):
size += 1
font = ImageFont.truetype(font.path, size)
text_width, text_height = font.getsize(text)[0], font.getsize('hg')[1]
text_width, text_height = font.getsize(text)[0], font.getsize('hg')[1]
# Truncate text if text is too long so it can fit inside the box
if (text_width, text_height) > (box_width, box_height):
logging.debug('text too big for space, truncating now...')
while (text_width, text_height) > (box_width, box_height):
text_width, text_height = font.getsize(text)[0], font.getsize('hg')[1]
logging.debug('truncated text:', text)
# Align text to desired position
if alignment == "center" or None:
x = int((box_width / 2) - (text_width / 2))
elif alignment == 'left':
x = 0
elif alignment == 'right':
x = int(box_width - text_width)
y = int((box_height / 2) - (text_height / 2))
# Draw the text in the text-box
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
space ='RGBA', (box_width, box_height))
ImageDraw.Draw(space).text((x, y), text, fill=colour, font=font)
## space ='RGBA', (box_width, box_height), color= 'red')
## ImageDraw.Draw(space).text((x, y), text, fill='white', font=font)
if rotation != None:
space.rotate(rotation, expand = True)
# Update only region with text (add text with transparent background)
image.paste(space, xy, space)
def text_wrap(text, font=None, max_width = None):
"""Split long text (text-wrapping). Returns a list"""
lines = []
if font.getsize(text)[0] < max_width:
words = text.split(' ')
i = 0
while i < len(words):
line = ''
while i < len(words) and font.getsize(line + words[i])[0] <= max_width:
line = line + words[i] + " "
i += 1
if not line:
line = words[i]
i += 1
return lines
def internet_available():
"""check if the internet is available"""
return True
except URLError as err:
return False
def draw_square(image, xy, size, radius=5, thickness=2):
"""Draws a square with round corners at (x,y)
xy = position e.g: (5,10)
size = size of square (width, height)
radius: corner radius
thickness = border thickness
x, y, diameter = xy[0], xy[1], radius*2
width, height = size
lenght = width - diameter
# Set coordinates for round square
p1, p2 = (x+radius, y), (x+radius+lenght, y)
p3, p4 = (x+width, y+radius), (x+width, y+radius+lenght)
p5, p6 = (p2[0], y+height), (p1[0], y+height)
p7, p8 = (x, p4[1]), (x,p3[1])
c1, c2 = (x,y), (x+diameter, y+diameter)
c3, c4 = ((x+width)-diameter, y), (x+width, y+diameter)
c5, c6 = ((x+width)-diameter, (y+height)-diameter), (x+width, y+height)
c7, c8 = (x, (y+height)-diameter), (x+diameter, y+height)
# Draw lines and arcs, creating a square with round corners
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
draw.line( (p1, p2) , fill=colour, width = thickness)
draw.line( (p3, p4) , fill=colour, width = thickness)
draw.line( (p5, p6) , fill=colour, width = thickness)
draw.line( (p7, p8) , fill=colour, width = thickness)
draw.arc( (c1, c2) , 180, 270, fill=colour, width=thickness)
draw.arc( (c3, c4) , 270, 360, fill=colour, width=thickness)
draw.arc( (c5, c6) , 0, 90, fill=colour, width=thickness)
draw.arc( (c7, c8) , 90, 180, fill=colour, width=thickness)
##"""Custom function to add text on an image"""
##def write_text(space_width, space_height, text, tuple,
## font=default, alignment='middle', autofit = False, fill_width = 1.0,
## fill_height = 0.8, colour = text_colour, rotation = None):
## """tuple refers to (x,y) position on display"""
## if autofit == True or fill_width != 1.0 or fill_height != 0.8:
## size = 8
## font = ImageFont.truetype(font.path, size)
## text_width, text_height = font.getsize(text)[0], font.getsize('hg')[1]
## while text_width < int(space_width * fill_width) and text_height < int(space_height * fill_height):
## size += 1
## font = ImageFont.truetype(font.path, size)
## text_width, text_height = font.getsize(text)[0], font.getsize('hg')[1]
## text_width, text_height = font.getsize(text)[0], font.getsize('hg')[1]
## while (text_width, text_height) > (space_width, space_height):
## text=text[0:-1]
## text_width, text_height = font.getsize(text)[0], font.getsize('hg')[1]
## if alignment is "" or "middle" or None:
## x = int((space_width / 2) - (text_width / 2))
## if alignment is 'left':
## x = 0
## if font != w_font:
## y = int((space_height / 2) - (text_height / 1.7))
## else:
## y = y = int((space_height / 2) - (text_height / 2))
## space ='RGBA', (space_width, space_height))
## ImageDraw.Draw(space).text((x, y), text, fill=colour, font=font)
## if rotation != None:
## space.rotate(rotation, expand = True)
## if colour == 'black' or 'white':
## image.paste(space, tuple, space)
## else:
## image_col.paste(space, tuple, space)
"""Not required anymore?"""
##def clear_image(section, colour = background_colour):
## """Clear the image"""
## width, height = eval(section+'_width'), eval(section+'_height')
## position = (0, eval(section+'_offset'))
## box ='RGB', (width, height), colour)
## image.paste(box, position)
## if three_colour_support == True:
## image_col.paste(box, position)
"""Not required anymore?"""
##def crop_image(input_image, section):
## """Crop an input image to the desired section"""
## x1, y1 = 0, eval(section+'_offset')
## x2, y2 = eval(section+'_width'), y1 + eval(section+'_height')
## image = input_image.crop((x1,y1,x2,y2))
## return image
"""Not required anymore?"""
##def fix_ical(ical_url):
## """Use iCalendars in compatability mode (without alarms)"""
## ical = str(urlopen(ical_url).read().decode())
## beginAlarmIndex = 0
## while beginAlarmIndex >= 0:
## beginAlarmIndex = ical.find('BEGIN:VALARM')
## if beginAlarmIndex >= 0:
## endAlarmIndex = ical.find('END:VALARM')
## ical = ical[:beginAlarmIndex] + ical[endAlarmIndex+12:]
## return ical
"""Not required anymore?"""
##def image_cleanup():
## """Delete all files in the image folder"""
## print('Cleanup of previous images...', end = '')
## for temp_files in glob(image_path+'*'):
## os.remove(temp_files)
## print('Done')
##def optimise_colours(image, threshold=220):
## buffer = numpy.array(image.convert('RGB'))
## red, green = buffer[:, :, 0], buffer[:, :, 1]
## buffer[numpy.logical_and(red <= threshold, green <= threshold)] = [0,0,0] #grey->black
## image = Image.fromarray(buffer)
## return image
##def calibrate_display(no_of_cycles):
## """How many times should each colour be calibrated? Default is 3"""
## epaper = driver.EPD()
## epaper.init()
## white ='1', (display_width, display_height), 'white')
## black ='1', (display_width, display_height), 'black')
## print('----------Started calibration of E-Paper display----------')
## if 'colour' in model:
## for _ in range(no_of_cycles):
## print('Calibrating...', end= ' ')
## print('black...', end= ' ')
## epaper.display(epaper.getbuffer(black), epaper.getbuffer(white))
## print('colour...', end = ' ')
## epaper.display(epaper.getbuffer(white), epaper.getbuffer(black))
## print('white...')
## epaper.display(epaper.getbuffer(white), epaper.getbuffer(white))
## print('Cycle {0} of {1} complete'.format(_+1, no_of_cycles))
## else:
## for _ in range(no_of_cycles):
## print('Calibrating...', end= ' ')
## print('black...', end = ' ')
## epaper.display(epaper.getbuffer(black))
## print('white...')
## epaper.display(epaper.getbuffer(white)),
## print('Cycle {0} of {1} complete'.format(_+1, no_of_cycles))
## print('-----------Calibration complete----------')
## epaper.sleep()
"""Not required anymore?"""
##def check_for_updates():
## with open(path+'release.txt','r') as file:
## lines = file.readlines()
## installed_release = lines[0].rstrip()
## temp = subp.check_output(['curl','-s',''])
## latest_release_url = str(temp).split('"')[1]
## latest_release = latest_release_url.split('/tag/')[1]
## def get_id(version):
## if not version.startswith('v'):
## print('incorrect release format!')
## v = ''.join(version.split('v')[1].split('.'))
## if len(v) == 2:
## v += '0'
## return int(v)
## if get_id(installed_release) < get_id(latest_release):
## print('New update available!. Please update to the latest version')
## print('current release:', installed_release, 'new version:', latest_release)
## else:
## print('You are using the latest version of the Inky-Calendar software:', end = ' ')
## print(installed_release)