wface 48204c0c55 inkycal_stocks module update
updates the inkycal_stocks module from 0.3 to 0.5
2021-07-08 17:20:27 +02:00

12 lines
564 B

pyowm==3.1.1 # weather
Pillow>=7.1.1 # imaging
icalendar==4.0.6 # iCalendar parsing
recurring-ical-events==0.1.17b0 # parse recurring events
feedparser==5.2.1 # parse RSS-feeds
numpy>=1.18.2 # image pre-processing #pre-installed on Raspbian, omitting
arrow==0.17.0 # time operations
Flask==1.1.2 # webserver
Flask-WTF==0.14.3 # webforms
todoist-python==8.1.2 # todoist api
yfinance>=0.1.60 # yahoo stocks