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<p class="caption" role="heading"><span class="caption-text">Contents:</span></p>
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<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="inkycal.html#display">Display</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="inkycal.html#custom-functions">Custom functions</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="inkycal.html#helper-classes">Helper classes</a></li>
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<h1>About Inkycal<a class="headerlink" href="#about-inkycal" title="Permalink to this heading"></a></h1>
<img align="center" src="https://github.com/aceinnolab/Inkycal/blob/assets/Repo/logo.png" width="800" alt="inkycal logo"><p>Inkycal is a python3 software for selected E-Paper displays.
It’s open-source (non-commercially), fully modular, user-friendly and even runs
well even on the Raspberry Pi Zero. Inkycal even has a web-UI which takes
care of adding your details! No more editing files, Yay :partying_face:</p>
<p>The main idea behind Inkycal was to create a dashboard that blends in well
in it’s environment and shows you all information without you having to look
them up. Several built-in modules help you stay organised by:</p>
<ul class="simple">
<li><p>providing the weather forecast for the full week or next few hours</p></li>
<li><p>getting the latest news from ATOM/RSS feeds</p></li>
<li><p>showing your iCalendar agenda, which may be synchronised with your phone</p></li>
<li><p>showing a monthly Calendar which may also show events synced with Google etc.</p></li>
<li><p>fetch some jokes form the web to help you smile :)</p></li>
<p>What’s more? It’s compatible with third party modules, if something is missing,
you can write your own module and share it with the community.</p>
<p>Inkycal has a friendly and helpful community on Discord in case you’re in
a pinch setting up Inkycal. Noobs welcome too of course!</p>
<p>Inkycal is developed mainly by <a class="reference external" href="https://github.com/aceisace">aceisace</a> - a
university student and a few other developers in their free time.
Open source means we work for nothing, but it doesn’t mean we don’t need
anything. We invest a large amount of time, effort and coffee to develop
<p>Please support Inkycal via a <strong><a class="reference external" href="https://www.paypal.me/aceinnolab">DONATION</a></strong>
to help us keep this project alive. Thank You!</p>
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