Some parts have been improved in this version (1st Oct 2018). The main one is that the E-Paper display is now put to sleep. Waveshare did not mention for a long time that not doing so will eventually damage the screen. The sleep mode has been implemented now. Apart from this, the main details can now be inserted at the top of the file and don't have to be searched up anymore. Some debug messages have also been added, though they are uncommented. That's all.
243 lines
10 KiB
243 lines
10 KiB
E-Paper Software (main script) adapted for the 3-colour E-Paper display
A full and detailed breakdown for this code can be found in the wiki.
If you have any questions, feel free to open an issue at Github.
Copyright by Ace-Laboratory
# url refers to the iCal url. It's the link you can copy when you click on
# 'export' Calendar in Google or Yahoo (and many more online) Calendars
# api-key refers to your openweathermap api key. It can be generated for free
# when you sign up for an account and consists of a bunch of numbers and letters
#location refers to the city you live in. You api key will be used to grab live
# weather data for this city. Use the format below (city-name, country code)
""" To quickly get started, fill in the following details:"""
url = ""
api_key = ""
location = "California, US"
"""That's all. The software will do the rest."""
import epd7in5b #epd-control
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageOps #image operations
import calendar, pyowm #calendar and openweathermap wrapper
from ics import Calendar, Event #icalendar parser
from datetime import datetime #time operations
from time import sleep #more time operations
from urllib.request import urlopen #allows url to be 'read'
import arrow #icalendar parser compatible dates
from calibration import calibration
epd = epd7in5b.EPD() #required
if (weekday_start_on == "Monday"):
if (weekday_start_on == "Sunday"):
c = Calendar(urlopen(url).read().decode('UTF-8'))
e = Event()
open =
path = '/home/pi/E-Paper-Master/Calendar/'
wpath = path+'weather-icons/'
mpath = path+'months/'
dpath = path+'days/'
font = ImageFont.truetype(path+'Assistant-Bold.ttf', 18)
weekday = open(path+'other/weekday.bmp')
eventicon = open(path+'other/event.bmp')
dateicon = open(path+'other/today.bmp')
tempicon = open(path+'other/temp-icon.bmp')
humicon = open(path+'other/hum-icon.bmp')
weekmon = open(path+'other/week-mon.bmp')
weeksun = open(path+'other/week-sun.bmp')
bar = open(path+'other/bar.bmp')
wiconplace = (570, 219)
tempplace = (605, 310)
humplace = (572, 308)
monthplace = (443, 0)
weekplace = (415,0)
barplace = (555, 0)
weekdaysmon = {'Mon': (416,3), 'Tue': (416,57), 'Wed': (416,111), 'Thu': (416,165), 'Fri': (416,219), 'Sat': (416,273), 'Sun':(416,327)}
weekdayssun = {'Sun': (416,3), 'Mon': (416,57), 'Tue': (416,111), 'Wed': (416,165), 'Thu': (416,219), 'Fri': (416,273), 'Sat':(416,327)}
positions = {'a1': (351, 3), 'a2': (351, 57), 'a3': (351, 111), 'a4': (351, 165), 'a5': (351, 219), 'a6': (351, 273), 'a7': (351, 327),
'b1': (284, 3), 'b2': (284, 57), 'b3': (284, 111), 'b4': (284, 165), 'b5': (284, 219), 'b6': (284, 273), 'b7': (284, 327),
'c1': (217, 3), 'c2': (217, 57), 'c3': (217, 111), 'c4': (217, 165), 'c5': (217, 219), 'c6': (217, 273), 'c7': (217, 327),
'd1': (150, 3), 'd2': (150, 57), 'd3': (150, 111), 'd4': (150, 165), 'd5': (150, 219), 'd6': (150, 273), 'd7': (150, 327),
'e1': (83, 3), 'e2': (83, 57), 'e3': (83, 111), 'e4': (83, 165), 'e5': (83, 219), 'e6': (83, 273), 'e7': (83, 327),
'f1': (16, 3), 'f2': (16, 57), 'f3': (16, 111), 'f4': (16, 165), 'f5': (16, 219), 'f6': (16, 273), 'f7': (16, 327)}
weathericons = {'01d': 'wi-day-sunny', '02d':'wi-day-cloudy', '03d': 'wi-cloudy',
'04d': 'wi-cloudy-windy', '09d': 'wi-showers', '10d':'wi-rain',
'11d':'wi-thunderstorm', '13d':'wi-snow', '50d': 'wi-fog',
'01n': 'wi-night-clear', '02n':'wi-night-cloudy',
'03n': 'wi-night-cloudy', '04n': 'wi-night-cloudy',
'09n': 'wi-night-showers', '10n':'wi-night-rain',
'11n':'wi-night-thunderstorm', '13n':'wi-night-snow',
'50n': 'wi-night-alt-cloudy-windy'}
def main():
while True:
time =
hour = int(time.strftime("%-H"))
for i in range(1):
if hour is 0:
if hour is 12:
if hour is 18:
image ='L', (EPD_WIDTH, EPD_HEIGHT), 255)
draw = (ImageDraw.Draw(image)).bitmap
#background image
if calendar.firstweekday() == 0:
#print('Your week starts on Monday') #->debug
draw(weekplace, weekmon)
if calendar.firstweekday() == 6:
#print('Your week starts on Sunday') #->debug
draw(weekplace, weeksun)
draw(barplace, bar)
cal = calendar.monthcalendar(time.year, time.month)
for i in cal[0]:
draw(positions['a'+str(cal[0].index(i)+1)] ,open(dpath+str(i)+'.bmp'))
for i in cal[1]:
draw(positions['b'+str(cal[1].index(i)+1)] ,open(dpath+str(i)+'.bmp'))
for i in cal[2]:
draw(positions['c'+str(cal[2].index(i)+1)] ,open(dpath+str(i)+'.bmp'))
for i in cal[3]:
draw(positions['d'+str(cal[3].index(i)+1)] ,open(dpath+str(i)+'.bmp'))
for i in cal[4]:
draw(positions['e'+str(cal[4].index(i)+1)] ,open(dpath+str(i)+'.bmp'))
for i in cal[5]:
draw(positions['f'+str(cal[5].index(i)+1)] ,'.bmp'))
except IndexError:
# openweathermap api
owm = pyowm.OWM(api_key)
observation = owm.weather_at_place(location)
weather = observation.get_weather()
weathericon = weather.get_weather_icon_name()
Temperature = str(int(weather.get_temperature(unit='celsius')['temp']))
Humidity = str(weather.get_humidity())
#print('temp: '+Temperature +'°C') #->debug
#print('humidity: '+Humidity+'%') #->debug
#print(weathericon) #->debug
#weather icon handler
draw(wiconplace, open(wpath+weathericons[weathericon]+'.bmp'))
# date writing function
|'1', (115,25), color=255)
measure1= ImageDraw.Draw(space1)
date = ImageDraw.Draw(space1)
date.text((2, 3), (time.strftime('%a %-d %b %y')), font=font, fill=0)
rotate1 = space1.rotate(270, expand=1)
image.paste(rotate1, (595,20))
# temperature writing function
space2 ='1', (50,35), color=255)
measure2= ImageDraw.Draw(space2)
temperature = ImageDraw.Draw(space2)
temperature.text((2, 8), (Temperature + " °C"), fill=0 ,font=font)
rotate2 = space2.rotate(270, expand=1)
image.paste(rotate2, (605,334))
# humidity writing function
space3 ='1', (50,35), color=255)
measure3= ImageDraw.Draw(space3)
humidity = ImageDraw.Draw(space3)
humidity.text((4, 8), (Humidity +'%'), fill=0 ,font=font)
rotate3 = space3.rotate(270, expand=1)
image.paste(rotate3, (570,334))
# weekday handler
if calendar.firstweekday() == 0:
draw(weekdaysmon[(time.strftime("%a"))], weekday)
if calendar.firstweekday() == 6:
draw(weekdayssun[(time.strftime("%a"))], weekday)
print('It is currently:',time.strftime('%a %-d %b %y')) #--debug
print('The current time is:', time.strftime('%H:%M')) #--debug
elist = []
for events in
if str(time.year) in str((events.begin).format('YYYY')):
if str(time.month) in str((events.begin).format('M')):
print('In this month, you have',len(elist),'Events')
for x in elist:
if x in cal[0]:
draw(positions['a'+str(cal[0].index(x)+1)] ,eventicon)
if x in cal[1]:
draw(positions['b'+str(cal[1].index(x)+1)] ,eventicon)
if x in cal[2]:
draw(positions['c'+str(cal[2].index(x)+1)] ,eventicon)
if x in cal[3]:
draw(positions['d'+str(cal[3].index(x)+1)] ,eventicon)
if x in cal[4]:
draw(positions['e'+str(cal[4].index(x)+1)] ,eventicon)
if x in cal[5]:
draw(positions['f'+str(cal[5].index(x)+1)] ,eventicon)
except IndexError:
today =
if today in cal[0]:
draw(positions['a'+str(cal[0].index(today)+1)] ,dateicon)
if today in cal[1]:
draw(positions['b'+str(cal[1].index(today)+1)] ,dateicon)
if today in cal[2]:
draw(positions['c'+str(cal[2].index(today)+1)] ,dateicon)
if today in cal[3]:
draw(positions['d'+str(cal[3].index(today)+1)] ,dateicon)
if today in cal[4]:
draw(positions['e'+str(cal[4].index(today)+1)] ,dateicon)
if today in cal[5]:
draw(positions['f'+str(cal[5].index(today)+1)] ,dateicon)
except IndexError:
draw(tempplace, tempicon)
draw(humplace, humicon)
# delete the list so deleted events can be removed from the list
del elist[:]
for i in range(1):
nexthour = ((60 - int(time.strftime("%-M")))*60) - (int(time.strftime("%-S")))
if __name__ == '__main__':