Calendar | ||
Packages-installer | || | ||
wpa_applicant.conf |
A python script for the rpi zero w to sync events from any online calendar to a beautiful E-Paper Display, get live weather data and much more.
News: This program has been tested. It is confirmed to work with Raspbian Stretch (with Desktop). Soon, a version for Raspbian Stretch lite will be released.
#Place image of the calendar here
Main features
- Display the date and a full monthly calendar
- Syncronise events from any online calendar (like google, yahoo etc.)
- Get live weather data (including temperature, humidity, etc.) using openweathermap api
Hardware required
- 7.5" E-Paper Display (Black, White, Red) with driver hat from waveshare (
- Raspberry Pi Zero W (without headers)
- 90° angled 2x20 Pin GPIO headers
- MicroSD card (min. 4GB)
- MicroUSB cable
- 3d-printer (you can also appoint any 3d-printing service)
- Soldering iron
Getting the Raspberry Pi Zero W ready
- Set up Wifi on the Raspberry Pi Zero W by copying the file wpa_supplicant.conf to the /boot directory and adding your Wifi details in that file.
- Create a simple text document named ssh in the boot directory to enable ssh.
- Expand the filesystem in the Terminal with
sudo raspi-config --expand-rootfs
- Enable SPI by entering
sudo sed -i s/#dtparam=spi=on/dtparam=spi=on/ /boot/config.txt
in the Terminal - Set the correct timezone with
sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
, selecting the correct continent and then the capital of your country. - Reboot to apply changes
Installing required packages for python 3.5
Execute the following command in the Terminal to install all required packages:
curl -sSL | bash
Customising the main script
Once the packages are installed, navigate to the home directory, open 'E-Paper-Master' and open the file '' inside the Calendar folder.
3 Main Details are needed to get running:
- A valid ical URL. Use the export funtion in google calendar to create a ical url link and paste it in the url section
- A valid openweathermap API-Key is required. This key can be optained for free with an account on openweathermap
- Your city's name and your country code (so the correct weather can be displayed) (e.g.
New York, US