This fixes a bug where using hourly weather forecast with imperial units would lead to the error: TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str
Cleaned up code, improved logging,
fixed an issue where forecast time would show UTC time instead of local time, improved layout on dynamic heights. More evenly distributed rows, simplified some code, removed non-required validate function.
switched from string formatting to f-strings
removed some non-required validation
Standardised some logging outputs
better formatting of config inside tests
- Bump pyowm from 2.10.0 to 3.1.1 (latest)
- updated Weather module to support new pyowm version
- removed ad-hoc logic for beaufort scale (supported by pyowm now)
- Added support for location ID and location string (see #137)
A lot of work-in-progress and far from complete.
Lots of improvements related to user-friendliness, fully new web-UI. Better infrastructure....
more coming soon
- Correct setup of logging
- all inkycal-modules inherit from the given template
- Added basic, optional validation
- more code cleanups
- fixed a few minor bugs
inkycal_rss: fix format of saved images
* drop support for wind direction (api does not always provide this data)
* Add borders around each sub-section