- Fix an issue where the moduel woud crash if there were too many todos and not enough space to display them
- Fix an issue where deleting a group containing todos would cause the modue to crash
Deleted groups would previously cause the module to fail as the api would still show todos from groups that have been deleted, but not the name of the group.
Iterating over the groups caused a KeyError Exception. This commit does an additional check to see if the group really does exist or has been deleted.
As ace and I discussed a while back (mid-2020?) the unicode weather icons report an incorrect size in the y direction. Some of the icon's sizes are off by enough that the human eye can see that they are no longer centered in the y direction. During another project of mine, I went through each icon and added a manual scaling factor that, when used along with the font size, can help us properly center the icons. I had difficulty integrating that scaling factor into the weather module because it's a very complicated program and ace wrote it. But, I believe that by editing the y alignment line in the draw_icon fuction to factor in this size correction, all the icons are now correctly centered. That appears to be the case with my 12" screen, although I haven't yet tested it with the 7.5" screen.
The yfinance module had missing depencies. These were not required at release time, but are required now.
This hotfix fixes the issue with the dependencies.
The Todoist module would not update on each loop, but rather at each reboot. This commit fixes the problem by syncronising with the API on each refresh.
The Raspberry Pi 4 had some issues in regards to Inkycal starting at boot. By adding a delay of 1 min to allow the Raspberry Pi to fully load, the issue gets fixed.
Special thanks to @Worstface for finding the issue and suggesting a solution.