E-Paper is now split into three sections: top, main and bottom. Users can now choose what to display at which section. With this change, the main script will only execute the code required to generate the user-specified design. Better text handling. Text is automatically aligned in the middle of the specified box (unless specified otherwise) using the default font (unless specified otherwise). Added Agenda-View as an option in the main section, which will show upcoming events and times in the next few days. It's length is adaptive. If the bottom section is empty, it will reach to the bottom, otherwise it will reach to the bottom section. RSS-feeds will not show the titles, but rather a short summary (for more detailed information). Removed some import warnings as they are handled by the new installer (v1.6). Also made the code a bit cleaner and added a few more descriptions above some code sections.
While improving the readability of the code some commits ago, a problem occured where 3-coloured E-Paper-Displays had problems correctly rendering the image. With this fix, it should be solved now.
Improved execution time for each loop (until the image is fully gerated) to less than 5 seconds. Of course, it takes much longer to render the image to the display as well as for calibration.
Implemented possible bugfix for iCalendars as suggested by arustleund in issue#20
Improved algorithm for sleeping until the next update and for counting loops left until calibration.
Some minor changes to improve code readbility
Added RSS-feedparser. Added support for user-defined display-update intervals. Removed support for recurring events (temporarily).
Imporved processing time for the generated image form nearly 30 seconds to less than a second. Improved readability of docstrings.
Switched from using bitmap images to png images for images with transparency mask (event, today, weekday). Also, using a custom processing function that processes the generated image so it can be displayed much better on the E-Paper Display.
Contains a lot of minor improvements like better output, fixing some 'crude' sections. The algorithm for fetching events has been improved (faster) and is more dynamic. Users can specify the range in days for fetching events form the future. Also fixed a bug where past events were not marked with circles on the monthly calendar. Also improved some output messages.
Removed line 82, starting with 'draw...' as it caused some errors. Choosing weekday="Sunday" should now work as expected.
Special thanks to Nobuyoshi Sato for finding this bug.
Contains some improvements in the section tha filters events from the iCalendar URL. The sorting algorithm has been improved to display events after today and in chronological order. If the event names is too long for the line, it'll be truncated until it fits.
Special thanks and credit to Hubert for suggesting the above mentioned improvements.
Also fixed an issue where the iCalendar would throw errors if the Alarm action for an event was set to 'None'.