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E-Paper-Calendar Software Changelog
All significant changes will be documented in this file. The order is from latest to oldest and structured in the following way:
- Version name with date of publishing
- Sections with either 'added', 'fixed', 'updated' and 'changed'
[1.7] Mid December 2019 (date not confirmed yet)
- Added support for sections (top-,middle-,and bottom section)
- Added support for weather forecasts.
- Added support for moon phase
- Added support for events in Calendar module
- Added support for coloured negative temperature
- Added support to automatically rotate the image if required
- Added support for wind direction in weather module
- Added support for decimal places in weather module
- Added extra customisation options (see configuration file)
- Refactoring of software. Split software into several smaller modules
- Re-arranged weather section layout
- Icons (today, events) are generated on demand
- Merged calibration files into inkycal_drivers
- Changed layout of Agenda module
- Changed icons for marking today on Calendar module
- Added more options in function 'write_text'
- Text does not have any background colour anymore (transparent)
- Optimised calibration function for faster calibration, especially for coloured E-Papers
- Changed settings file
- Removed last-updated feature
- Removed all icons stored as images
- Removed calibration file (calibration.py)
- Fixed a few bugs related to the ics library
- Fine-tuned image pre-processing (mapping pixels to specific colours)
- Fixed a problem where RSS feeds would not display more than one post
- Fixed a problem where certain weather icons would not be shown
[1.6] Mid May 2019
- Added new design option: Agenda-View, which displays events in the next few days with timings
- Added support for multi-day events
- Added support for multiple languages
- Added support for localisation options (dates will be shown in the set language now)
- Added new fonts (NotoSans Semi & Noto Sans CJK) which support many languages (without displaying tofus)
- Added dynamic space management to minimise empty space on the generated image
- Added support for RSS-feeds. It is now possible to display them in the bottom section
- Added image pre-processing operation to allow displaying the generated image correctly on the E-Paper
- Added limit (in days) when fetching events from the iCalendar
- Added option to select the display-update interval*
- Added user-friendly Web-UI (webpage) for entering personal details easily (Credit to TobyChui)
- Added support for continuing the loop even if some details are missing in the settings file (api-key, rss-feed)
- Added support for relative path and removed explicit path
- Added support for timezones. events timings will be shown correctly using the system's set timezone
- Added support for 12/24 hours format for events
- Changed E-Paper layout by splitting the image into three section: top-, middle, bottom.
- Changed the way the installer checks if a required package is installed (by test-importing it in python3)
- Changed the function which displays text on the Calendar
- Merged e-paper driver files (initially epd7in5b and epd7in5) into a single one (e_paper_drivers)
- Switched from image-based translations to text-based translation
- Changed algorithm for filtering events
- Removed (older) fonts which were not suitable for multiple languages
- (Temporary) removed support of recurring events due to some known bugs
- (Temporary) dropped support of the installer on Raspbian Jessie Lite due to some known bugs
- Removed image-based translations for month names
- Fixed problems with iCalendar triggers by removing them altogether when parsing the iCalendar
- Fixed problems with outdated events
(*) Updating too frequently can cause ghosting, a problem specific to E-Paper displays where parts of the previous image can be seen on the current image. Ghosting can be fixed by 'calibrating' the E-Paper (displaying a single colour on the entire display) and is done by default. As a rule of thumb, one 'calibration' should be done for every 6 display-updates to maintain a crisp image.
[1.5] Early February 2019
- Added option to update or uninstall the software via the Installer. To uninstall, just re-run the Installer.
- Added feature to display upcoming events from the current month and next month on the bottom section.
- Added support for 12 hour/ 24 hours (sunrise- and sunset-timings can now be adjusted via the settings file)
- Added support for imperial units (wind speed can now be shown as mph as well)
- Added option to choose metric/imperial units
- Added option to save the generated image in the 'Calendar' folder to help debugging.
- Changed a lot of icon sizes, positions and locations.
- Changed the file format for nearly all icons. Icons should now be in JPEG format.
- Chnaged the way icons are displayed. The software now uses the correct coordinates of icons
- Icons are no longer rotated
- Changes a few values in 'epd7in5b' to improve the readability of icons on the display
- Changed the 'current day' and 'event' icon with slightly better ones
- Changed the folder structure in the 'Calendar' folder for better navigation and overview
- Removed the Installer without debug
- Removed the calibration.py file by merging the calibrations for the 3-Colour and 2-Colour display.
- Removed a few font files as only 1 is required.
- Removed the monocolour-converter.py file as the conversion is no longer required
[1.4] Late December 2018
- Added short weather description in the top section
- Added wind speed (in km/h) and an icon for wind speed
- Added sunrise icon and time of sunrise
- Added sunset icon and time of sunset
- Added memory limits on both log files (output file and error file) to 1 MB
- Added option for multiple iCal URLs in the settings file
- Fixed an issue where text would not fit on screen
- Fixed an issue where the script would fail after every network error from openweathermap API
- Fixed an issue where text would not be centered
- Fixed an issue with decoding the calendar url
- Changed the position of the weather icon to the top left corner
- Changed the way text is displayed on the display by adding a function named 'write_text'
- Split the main script to form a new file with icons and their position and locations
- Removed the explicit date from the top left corner
[1.3] Mid October 2018
- Added a seperate configuration file for the main script named settings.py
- Added option to choose display within the setting.py file
- Added German language support
- Added option to choose language within the settings file
- Added a working RGB to 3-Colour/2-Colour converter for jpegs, pngs and bmps for easier conversion of custom icons
- Fixed some issues with a new bmp files which were not displayed correctly on the display
- Combined the software for the 2-colour and 3-Colour version
- Split the main script into a settings file and the main programm itself.
[1.2] Early October 2018
- Added option to choose E-Paper version (2/3-Colour) at beginning of install
- Added a file 'Info.txt' (
) which contains some basic info of the install on your system - Created a new folder in this repo named 'For-developers-only' to give access to developer stuff
- Added an converter (in developers folder) for converting .jpeg, .png and .bmp files to useable .bmp files. (Currently in ALPHA phase!)
- Created a Changelog
- Created contribution guidelines
- Fixed a critical problem to prevent further burn-ins (ghosting) and damage due to over-voltages.
- 2-Colour E-Paper now uses specific (driver) files for the 2-Colour version
- Changed the main script slightly (stable.py) to allow easier input of personal variables
- Improved the single-line installers (with and without debug)
[1.1] Late September 2018
- Added a command to partially support the 7.5" 2-Colour (Black and White)
- Added support for Raspbian Stretch Lite by installing missing packages
- Created code of Conduct
- Created an issue named 'Improvement ideas' as a place for discussing new features and ideas.
- fixed a bug (reference to Issue #3) where the 'Installer with Debug' was not working due to incorrect url