As ace and I discussed a while back (mid-2020?) the unicode weather icons report an incorrect size in the y direction. Some of the icon's sizes are off by enough that the human eye can see that they are no longer centered in the y direction. During another project of mine, I went through each icon and added a manual scaling factor that, when used along with the font size, can help us properly center the icons. I had difficulty integrating that scaling factor into the weather module because it's a very complicated program and ace wrote it. But, I believe that by editing the y alignment line in the draw_icon fuction to factor in this size correction, all the icons are now correctly centered. That appears to be the case with my 12" screen, although I haven't yet tested it with the 7.5" screen.
The Todoist module would not update on each loop, but rather at each reboot. This commit fixes the problem by syncronising with the API on each refresh.
Cleaned up code, improved logging,
fixed an issue where forecast time would show UTC time instead of local time, improved layout on dynamic heights. More evenly distributed rows, simplified some code, removed non-required validate function.
switched from string formatting to f-strings
removed some non-required validation
Standardised some logging outputs
better formatting of config inside tests
Still needs some work:
- input parameter validation (rotation, layout, colours)
- configuration of panel colors in Web UI
Added suggestion for less dynamic calling of module.generate_image()
If the number of events exceeded the number of lines allocated for events, a *list index out of range* exception was thrown. This has been fixed now by providing an additional check.
Fixed some bugs, improved alignment of project name, due date and description of todo.
Project names are shown in colour on 3-colour displays
Images are rendered correctly.
- Bump pyowm from 2.10.0 to 3.1.1 (latest)
- updated Weather module to support new pyowm version
- removed ad-hoc logic for beaufort scale (supported by pyowm now)
- Added support for location ID and location string (see #137)