While improving the readability of the code some commits ago, a problem occured where 3-coloured E-Paper-Displays had problems correctly rendering the image. With this fix, it should be solved now.
Improved execution time for each loop (until the image is fully gerated) to less than 5 seconds. Of course, it takes much longer to render the image to the display as well as for calibration.
Implemented possible bugfix for iCalendars as suggested by arustleund in issue#20
Improved algorithm for sleeping until the next update and for counting loops left until calibration.
Some minor changes to improve code readbility
Added newly implemented features, including support for Taiwan chinese, rss-feeds, update interval, additional feature, calibration hour etc. (see settings.py file for more info)
Added RSS-feedparser. Added support for user-defined display-update intervals. Removed support for recurring events (temporarily).
Imporved processing time for the generated image form nearly 30 seconds to less than a second. Improved readability of docstrings.
To implement the RSS-feedparser, a new package is required: feedparser ->sudo pip3 install feedparser
For super-fast image processing, numpy is required -> sudo apt-get install python-numpy
The above have been added in the installer
Know/made an awesome image for the E-Paper Display you'd like to share? In that case, mail me the image with a short description and I'll add it to the collection
Know/made an awesome image for the E-Paper Display you'd like to share? In that case, mail me the image with a short description and I'll add it to the collection